Why I paint

I like drawing and I like painting…

I like the feeling, when I make a line, add some colour, change a colour, or when I make a brushstroke and something appears: the contour of a head, a line on a face, a horse’s back, a human body, or just a shape starting to say something, starting to find expression…

I like the structure of a canvas, the grain of paper, the smell of turpentine and linseed oil…

I like it when something emerges on a piece of paper or a canvas, when a meaning forms, when a story starts to develop, that I can intervene in and help improve. That starts a dialogue with me. I like talking with pictures; I try to hear what they want to say, and to articulate their speech…

I like to use different techniques – acrylics, watercolour, but most often oil paints, in combination with other materials such as charcoal or pastel. This enables me to erase the border between drawing and painting and so, in a way, capture the process of birth and development of the picture itself in the final result…

Perhaps my pictures will tell, or show, something to you too…

Thanks for visiting my pages.


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